Info for 研究生s

Congratulations from the Grand Marshal!

As the Andrews University Grand Marshal, my job is to see that the commencement weekend events go smoothly. I want these events to honor you as our graduate. I want these events, which are naturally filled with pomp and tradition, to bring you honor and to make good and pleasant memories for you and your family. When you clearly understand your important role in weekend activities and when you play that role well, the weekend can be an extremely pleasant high point in your educational journey. On the other hand, for graduates who show up late, who wear their regalia improperly, or who don't understand w在这里 to walk or what to do, the weekend can cause great stress, 失望, or embarrassment. This website is to help you, the Andrews University graduate have a wonderful and pleasant weekend. You can find the full schedule 在这里.

Weekend 时间表 of Activities:
The first rule of success is "First - You Have to Show Up" Know w在这里 you need to be, when you need to be t在这里, and what you are supposed to be wearing. These details are slightly different for every graduation weekend. Another thing to remember is to eat breakfast to avoid feeling faint or ill during the services.

How to Wear 标记

标记 is the name given to the academic cap, gown, and hood. For men, the regalia is always worn over a dress shirt and tie with dark trousers and shoes. For women, the regalia is always worn over a dark semi-formal attire with dark shoes

The Mortar Board or Cap:
If you have the standard flat mortar board type graduation cap, check inside the cap to see what part is marked front. Though it may look like t在这里 is no difference, it fits best and looks best when worn properly. It is surprising to see how many graduates wear their caps backwards. If you have the softer doctoral cap, it too has a front and back that you should identify so that you can wear it properly. Always hang the tassel off of the front left corner of you cap.

The Robe or 毕业 Gown:
If your graduation gown is wrinkled from being packed in a box, it is best to hang it up and steam it lightly. Be very careful if you try to iron the wrinkles out. Use low heat because some gowns are made from flimsy material that melt quite easily. 

Academic regalia includes a hood worn over the gown. The hood goes over your head and hangs down the back of your robe. Notice that the hood has a 丝绒带 along the part of the hood that touches your neck. The hood is oriented properly when the velvet is closest to your chin and the border of black material and colored trim (if present) are below the velvet. During the graduation lineup, you will have help arranging the material that hangs down the back to properly display the university colors of blue and gold. With the exception of doctoral candidates, the hood is worn for all main services of the graduation weekend i.e. the Baccalaureate Services on Sabbath morning, and the Commencement Services on Friday evening and Sunday morning. Doctoral candidates will carry their robe over their left arm as they march in the commencement service processional. When their name is called, they will present their hood to their major professor who will do the hooding (see the videos).

Other additions:
Note this well that medallions (such as Phi Kappa Phi), honors cords and cultural stoles and honors cords issued by Andrews University academic entitiesonly permissible additions to the academic regalia. Medallions or cords issued by clubs are not allowed. No other ornamentation can be added and flowers can not  be worn or carried in the academic procession. This is an Andrews University graduation celebration with academic regalia and not a time to promote or recognize non-academic causes or events. Your sincere and enthusiastic cooperation is expected and greatly appreciated. Don't be offended if you are asked to remove non-academic additions to regalia.


To find your place in line, show up at least 20 or 30 minutes before the start of each event. Arrive late and you may not be allowed to march in. This is especially important for the commencement or graduation service because your place in line is critical (see "Finding Your Place in Line" below). For all other services, the order of march is less important. Marshal assistants will help you and tell you when to enter. When you begin your walk down the aisle, note the distance to the graduates in front of you and try to maintain that same distance as you follow at a normal pace. 

Order of March:
研究生s march in first, always led by the Assistant Marshal (a faculty member carrying the university mace) who will indicate which row you are to sit in. For the commencement services, faculty in full regalia march in next and are followed by the President's Party. 

For the Baccalaureate Services held on Sabbath morning in Pioneer Memorial Church, line up on the sidewalk in front of Lamson Hall (east side facing the Administration Building). Dress in full regalia. T在这里 is no marching order. 研究生s will process into the church in two rows: the left row will sit on the left side of the church, and the right row will sit on the right side of the church (hint: if you want to sit next to someone during the church service, they should be either in front of or behind you).

Finding Your Place In Line: 
For all commencement services, line up on the sidewalk on the west side of the Howard Performing Arts Center (closest to JN Andrews Boulevard) or in the hallway adjacent to House Right if it rains. 

For the commencement services on Friday evening and Sunday morning, the lineup is highly regulated. Your marching order will be determined by the degree level within your college.

  1. Obtain your name card from the table with your school and level listed. Tables will be beside the poles at each level for each school. T在这里 will be a placard with your information.
  2. Take your name card and go to the sign poles on the sidewalk on the west side of the Howard Performing Arts Center. Sign poles will display college, degree level, and alpha section (e.g. A-E). Line up single file behind your listing being careful not to flow into the next group behind you. T在这里 is no alpha order within your specific group.

As the graduate line marches into the auditorium , ensure you have your name card with you at all times. Do not take any card but your own. Hang on to this card through the commencement service. Bring the name card with you when you come up to the platform to be greeted by your dean and the president. YOU WILL HAND THIS CARD TO THE READER AT THE PODIUM WHO WILL READ YOUR NAME AND ANY DISTINCTIONS SO DO NOT LOSE IT.

Follow the marshal assistant’s directions when marching in. From 在这里 on, everything should flow rather smoothly. Enjoy the service. 

Keep your graduation cap on. Men should remove their cap for prayer following the lead of the platform party.

During the graduation ceremony, Marshal's Assistants will get you to the right place at the right time. Just follow their instructions. 

Official photographers will take excellent pictures of your graduation. Ask your parents and friends to stay in their seats so as not to block the view of others.


研究生s march out following the Assistant Marshal. After exiting the Howard Center keep walking away from the entrance to let the others out too. Tell your family and friends to meet you on the front lawn for photos after the service.

Mostly have fun. This is your high day. We wish to honor you the graduate. Following the conferral of degrees by the president, you are now a proud alum of Andrews University.

Congratulations and may God bless you as you use your skills to serve others.


Dr. Kimberly Ferreira